Inpatient treatment is also known as residential treatment, and it makes available, the highest level of rehab services for individuals who have been diagnosed with either drug or alcohol addiction. A good number of times, inpatient treatment involves medical detox treatment.

Usually, inpatient treatment for substance abuse starts with the health specialists having a profound understanding of your specific situation. The treatment team will take an assessment of your medical health, chemical use history and mental health, in order to structure a personal alcohol and drug plan for you.

A good number of times, people who want to enter recovery do not want to involve their family and loved ones. However, with the counselor, he would discuss with the family members about your condition and how best they can help. Addiction is a disease which affects the spirit, mind and body, and this is why a large team is needed for effective treatment.

Detox is the first stage in helping your body and brain to heal from substance addiction. This process starts with an evaluation by healthcare specialists who would determine if there is need for medical intervention. Detox is basically a period to remove chemicals from the body, and this could be an uncomfortable period for you if the right medical care is not in place.

All through the detox process, you would be monitored 24/7, until the healthcare specialist is able to ascertain that you are fit to take part in the rehab activities.

After detox, you will be transferred to residential treatment where you will link up with other people in recovery, and take part in rehab activities and services.

The following are common inpatient rehab activities:

  • Individual health assessment and therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Mental health therapy groups
  • Fitness and wellness activities
  • Family participation
  • Nutritional evaluation
  • Educational and experiential workshops
  • Continuing care planning

The following are therapies within the inpatient rehab:

  • Contingency Management
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • Interpersonal Therapy
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Psychoeducational Groups
  • Solution Focused Therapy
  • Twelve Step Facilitation

Outpatient Rehab In Canada

Outpatient rehab is defined as “a therapy-based type of addiction treatment that DOES NOT include on-site living/housing arrangements.” Through this form of rehab those who reside in Canada who are faced with addiction are able to get the treatment they need. This is able to be done without them having to relocate from the comfort of their own home. As a result, each individual is able to fulfill his/her daily tasks. But the two biggest reasons that people choose this form of rehab is because of 1. their job, and 2. their family.

First and foremost is the patient’s job which may not allow him/her to have very much time off throughout the year. Inpatient rehab poses as difficult for individuals who are faced with a tight schedule, or who are involved in a profession of high demand. The struggling addict may work more than forty hours a week, and therefore be unable to leave their job as easily as others. This is where outpatient rehab comes into play because it allows each person to attend meetings, counseling, and/or support groups, but still be able to be fully active in their job as well.

Second is the patient’s family. For single moms or those who may watch over their grandmother leaving home to stay in an inpatient rehabilitation facility may not be an option. The single mother has kids to take care of whether it be feeding them, dropping them off and picking them up from school, and other such obligations. Then for those who are taking care of their elderly mom, grandmother, grandfather, and other such family relatives this leaves little possibility for them to be able to leave them unless they were able to find someone to watch their loved ones in the midst of their absence. 

In conclusion, “a standard outpatient drug treatment program within Canada may include multiple group or individual therapy sessions each week, and these types of sessions can take place during the day or in the evening; depending on what responsibilities the patient has.” That’s why outpatient rehab poses as beneficial for those who are in search of a flexible treatment option. It allows them the opportunity to pick what time is best for them in order to meet and receive help to aid them in their recovery so that they might get back to living a healthy, addiction free life. 


The population of people living in Edmonton is quite large, numbering over a million people, and the surprising fact is, despite the economic meltdown which exists in Edmonton, the number is still on the rise. As it is common to any other city, the issue of alcohol and drug is very prominent, and these issues transcends into all sorts of crimes which are committed on a regular basis, with the addicts being the major channels through which these vices occur.

In Edmonton currently, the treatment options which are available are programs such as the inpatient, detox and outpatient options. Over 190 various type of services exist, and alcohol treatment options for addicts and their families living in Edmonton.

When alcohol addiction is in play, it is essential that the addict seeks the right kind of help. Else, it would be difficult to break free later, especially if the addict has been hooked on alcohol for a very long time.

There are a large number of alcohol rehab centres in Edmonton. You can decide to opt for a reduced recovery treatment which the government offers, or through private institutions.

For public services, much time might be spent getting the needed help, while for private institutions, the process is actually faster, as they are a more suitable choice for tough cases, and individuals who are fond of relapsing.

Alcohol treatments in Edmonton which are paid for, would require you to report in, that they have made up their minds to accept the alcohol rehab service, and this they would do by calling in. Some services also require some of the addicts to ensure that they remain sober for a couple of days.

In Edmonton, there are five residential treatments which are fully functioning. Some of them can offer treatment on a long term, which could be essential in helping an addict break free.

In a standard alcohol rehab centre, the program would require the social and physical environment of the individual, as this is where the therapeutic attention would be. Addicted clients would be given diverse opportunities to change and also trump the addictive characteristics and modules which they live with.

On a concluding note, Alcohol addiction treatment has been seen to be very effective, provided the individual is willing to go down the recovery road.


Addiction is a compulsive or persistent behavior that individuals continue to do despite the obvious negative effect on their lives. People can be addicted to virtually anything, with the most common addictions including alcohol, sex, drugs, eating and gambling.

The type of addiction treatments an individual receives will be influenced by several factors including, type of addiction, age and past medical history. Just as there are many different possible addictions, there are several addiction treatment choices; this ensures that people receive the treatment most suitable for their needs.

The city of Kelowna is very diverse, and so you find a lot of ethnicity in different concentrations. Kelowna is a city in which the crime rates are completely out of control. Kelowna is reported to have more crimes than cities like Ottawa, Kitchener, etc.

It’s been found that drugs and violent crimes went hand in hand usually, so drug addiction is a contributing factor to the violent crime rates.

Drug problems within the city include issues with opioids and street drugs, like most of the other communities in the area. The drug and alcohol treatment resources in the city include, inpatient treatment, outpatient programs, youth treatment centers, aftercare programs, AA meetings, NA meetings, and cocaine anonymous meetings.

The followings are some of the common drugs that can be found in Kelowna:

  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine and Crack Cocaine
  • Methamphetamine
  • Heroin

The main aim of these rehabilitation centers is to ensure that those struggling and wanting to get rid of their addiction problems can do so without any hesitation.

There are a lot of people who suffer from drug addiction in Kelowna, whether they engage in trafficking or not. As such, there’s need for a lot of rehabilitation centers so that they can get the help they need in order to deal with the addiction.

Although, this list is not exhaustive, however, some of the prominent Treatment centres for Addiction in Kelonwa include the following:


  • ABC Group (Kelowna)
  • Steps to Recovery (Kelowna)
  • Recovery Group (Kelowna)
  • Rise and Shine
  • Saint Paul’s United Church (Kelowna)
  • Saturday Morning Ladies
  • ARC community Intervention & Treatment Services

All of these treatment centers for drug addicts and alcoholics work on a step-by-step process that ensures the recovery of these addicts. Most of the addicts in this city are youngsters and teenagers taking the addiction numbers to a rather appalling state. Truth be told, these rehab centers are doing a wonderful job of trying to get rid of this vice from the city.




Outpatient form of treatment for substance addiction, is the opposite of inpatient treatment, and it is especially for those clients who have abused drugs in small quantities, in a short period of time. For instance, if someone is still in the early stage of addiction, and probably a family or friend sees them, and tries to stage an intervention, the person would be given the outpatient treatment.

At this stage of addiction, the person will go through withdrawal symptoms, but it would not be as serious as someone who is receiving inpatient treatment. The health specialist could feel that the person has the capacity to weather withdrawal without any fear of either physical or psychological damage, or even a relapse.

During outpatient treatment, the individual is still allowed to continue with other aspects of his life, schooling, business and the likes. He would also have time to spend with his family, whilst still making ample time available for both rehabilitation and counselling. Individuals are obliged to go for treatments on a regular basis, alongside with counselling sessions, individual and group meetings, and also taking part in assignments.

The amount of time, and the regularity of the visit, depends on the level of substance addiction of the individual. In other to determine the nature of therapy needed, outpatient treatment is divided into some categories.

The first category, is the intensive outpatient treatment, and it is majorly focused on preventing relapse, and it is quite similar to inpatient programmes. Usually, people who go for intensive outpatient treatment, check in three days a week, between 2-4 hours.

The second category is partial hospitalization outpatient treatment. It is for clients who are ongoing medical observation, even though they have a stable living environment. This programme can be gotten at the hospital, and patients need to check in between 3-5 times a week, 4-6 hours in a week.

The last category, is the therapy and counselling, and it is integrated with other types of rehabilitation, based on the assessment of the patient.